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神话星座的图案 古风十二星座图片

Orion the Hunter

Orion, one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky, is known as the hunter. In ancient Greco-Roman mythology, Orion was the son of the sea god Poseidon and a mortal woman. He was known for his strength and hunting prowess, and was often depicted with a bow and arrow. The constellation is made up of several bright stars, including the well-known Betelgeuse and Rigel.

The Mythology of Taurus

Taurus, the bull, is prominent in both Greek and Egyptian mythology. In Greek mythology, Taurus is associated with the story of Europa, a beautiful princess who was kidnaed by Zeus, the king of the gods. Zeus transformed himself into a beautiful white bull in order to aroach Europa, who climbed on his back before he took off with her across the sea. In Egyptian mythology, Taurus is associated with the goddess Hathor, who is often depicted with cow horns.

The Mysterious Scorpio

Scorpio, with its distinctive shape, is often associated with danger and mystery. In Greek mythology, Scorpio is linked to the story of Orion. After Orion boasted about his hunting skills, the Earth goddess Gaia sent a scorpion to kill him. The scorpion succeeded, and both Orion and the scorpion were placed in the sky as constellations. In astrology, Scorpio is considered a water sign and is associated with traits such as secrecy, intensity, and passion.

The Wisdom of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is known as the archer and is associated with wisdom and higher learning. In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is linked to the centaur Chiron, a wise and kind teacher who was known for his knowledge of medicine and healing. The Sagittarius constellation is often depicted as a centaur holding a bow and arrow, ready to unleash his wisdom and knowledge on the world.


The Story of Leo

Leo, the lion, is one of the 12 zodiac signs and is associated with strength and brery. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the lion was associated with the sun god Ra, who was depicted with the head of a lion. In Greek mythology, the Nemean lion was a fierce beast that terrorized a town, and was later slain by the hero Hercules as one of his twee labors. In astrology, Leo is considered a fire sign and is associated with traits such as leadership, creativity, and passion.

The Beauty of Aquarius

Aquarius, the water-bearer, is associated with beauty, creativity, and individuality. In Greek mythology, Aquarius is associated with Ganede, the beautiful Trojan prince who was taken to Mount Olpus to serve as cupbearer to the gods. The sbol of Aquarius is often depicted as a figure pouring water from a jug, sbolizing the flow of creativity and ideas. In astrology, Aquarius is considered an air sign and is associated with traits such as independence, innovation, and originality.

The Mystery of Pisces

Pisces, the fish, is associated with mystery and intuition. In ancient Greek mythology, Pisces is associated with the sea goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros. When they were fleeing the fearsome monster Typhon, Aphrodite and Eros transformed themsees into fish and jumped into the sea. The Pisces constellation is often depicted as two fish swimming in oosite directions, sbolizing the duality and complexity of life. In astrology, Pisces is considered a water sign and is associated with traits such as sensitivity, imagination, and spirituality.
